Sunday 19 February 2012

Atupele touts job creation plans for Malawi


Atupele touts job creation plans for Malawi

Malawi presidential aspirant, Machinga north east MP Atupele Muluzi, has explained his job creation proposals as one of the solutions to the economic problems  the country is currently facing. ," he said.

e said donors "can be prepared to assists" in the creation of the National Service Corps that the country can also use its own resources.

The presidential aspirant said the opportunities and benefits of a National Service Corps would be to among other things, build houses for the pensioners, the unemployable and forgotten members of society.

e said the plans were being touted now, two years ahead of elections,  "to keep our focus on long term solutions to our Nations problems. Perhaps even feedback to see how we can make improvements.

"We can utilize existing and in numerous cases derelict facilities in addition to existing infrastructure of training colleges and military skills base. ".

He said currently Malawi has one million unemployed families looking after some four million families.

"The 1 Million unemployed families represent the demand; all we need to do is offer them the opportunity to participate in the creation of the supply.

Asked how the country would create decent and sustainable employment , he responded: "My philosophy is simple.

Other services would be to train members in skills farming and value addition; provide services to communities in the form of security, refuse removal, cleaning the environment and steer the  youth from crime to become protectors and beneficiaries of what will be Malawi Inc.

"I propose in my plan that we create a National Business Development andousing Programme.

e said there would be a shorter programme for senior citizens if needed.

Stimulating debate

Asked by the newspaper reporter Frank Namangale,  if what he was articulating was part of his electoral  Manifesto, Atupele said it forms part of his job creation plan.   Mostly in construction and manufacturing industries," he said.

Atupele said " If acceptable to Malawians perhaps we could come up with some home grown solutions as we move in this new direction of change and our country's long term agenda.

On short term problems like forex and fuel, Atupele said "and one way they can be resolved is to improve our relations with our bilateral partners.

"Some of the skills obtained would be but not limited to Bricklaying, Electrical, Mechanical, Carpentry, Plumbing, Roofing, Landscaping ," he said.

Atupele touts job creation plans for Malawi

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 19/02/2012