Friday 10 February 2012

If You Have Ever Been Sexually Active, Keep Reading


Local Link Up - Contentys Ltd

The more sexual partners you have and the more times you have unprotected sex, the higher the risk you have for contracting HIV, regardless of your race or sexual orientation.

you don't get tested .

Lewis echoed this idea, saying, "Get tested because it's not only that you are putting yourself at

risk, you are putting others at risk.

sort of sex. Oil based lubricant.

such as petroleum jelly can cause the condom to rip.

Treasurer of Phi Beta Sigma Tristan Cunningham stressed that it is essential for everyone to get tested.

Potts also urges individuals to get tested at least once a year.

one of the reasons testing is strongly suggested," she explained.

lay in the time you might be infected and the time the test comes positive. It is not.

more likely that an HIV infected mother will not infect her child if medication is started and she is


Individuals could participate in three different activities. "It's just to show that AIDS does not have a face. Anybody is able to get it," said Lewis.

Director of the Student Health and Wellness Center Dr.

HIV is a very fragile virus outside the body, but be sure to use gloves and use a solution which will kill

any potential contaminants in the blood before you clean up a blood spill.

or visit http://www. with HIV.

one in 16 black men and one in 32 black women will be diagnosed with HIV. If dental dams are not available, cellophane or.

saran wrap can be used as a substitute.

The Virginia Department of Health Division of Disease Prevention has several recommendations

on how best to use barriers to protect yourself. ; however, they account for 46 percent of the people living in the U. "We decided to do a partnership with our brother fraternity because it's National AIDS Awareness Month [and because of] the idea [that] it is more so hitting the African American society and we are historically black," explained Zeta Phi Beta Secretary Samantha Lewis.

"One of the things I have learned is that several of the things a pregnant person can't do is something

an HIV person can't do. You never know if.

use a barrier each time they have any type of intercourse.

and anal sex. HIV testing was also avail-able at the workshop.

According to the Center for Disease Control,Blacks represent 14 percent of people living in the


Local Link Up - Contentys Ltd

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 10/02/2012