Saturday 11 February 2012

Worker lost gamble with stolen cash


Local Link Up - Contentys Ltd

Updated 9:04am 11 February 2012:

LOCKSMITHS were called to a key-cutting shop after a worker stole the store's takings and failed to turn up to work.

Colleagues needed help to access Timpsons on St Mary Street, Cardiff, after key-holder Oliver Bassett failed to arrive for a shift, Cardiff Crown Court heard.

Unknown to them, he had spent the £1,300 that should have been in the safe when he worked alone on Sunday.

The court was told that he had intended to use the cash to gamble with that night, hoping to make a profit before returning what he "borrowed" without anyone noticing.

"But he didn't win, he lost," said defence barrister Chris Rees.

Other staff tried to contact the 24-year-old, but each time they phoned the call went straight to answer-phone.

They had to achieve the locksmith to open up the shop and an area manager from Bristol had to drill open a second safe which should have held a daily £50 but there was just £15 inside.

"He had been entrusted with the keys and the safes," said prosecutor David Pugh.

A charity box on the counter was also found to be empty.

Bassett, of Marshfield Road, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to committing theft from an employer on November 6 last year.

Just months earlier, in June, he had been released early, on licence, from a 30-month jail sentence for stealing from a betting shop in Liverpool.

Mr Rees told the court: "It's a sad state of affairs - he's addicted to gambling. It started with fruit machines when he was very young., which shows how dangerous a habit it can be.

"He had intended returning the cash to Timpsons on Monday morning but he lost it, couldn't turn up for work and later handed himself in to the police."

"He didn't want blame to fall on other employees."

Judge Neil Bidder QC jailed him 12 weeks and he has also been recalled on licence to serve the remainder of the previous sentence.

"It was blatant and an extreme breach of trust," he told him. "You have a significant gambling habit and need help."

Local Link Up - Contentys Ltd

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 11/02/2012