Friday 18 May 2012

Animal welfare: Canadian record among worst


Animal welfare: Canadian record among worst

People are forwarding hateful information on email concerning anything to do with Muslims these days.

The author, actively participating in Canadian animal welfare, goes on to expose the utterly inhumane treatment of animals headed for the meat departments in Canada: chickens brought to the point of insanity because of crowded electrical cages and the removal of their beaks; the utterly disgusting way most other animals, such as cows, pigs, and sheep, are abused in pain, stress, and brutality in their trip to our dinner plates.

Islam, he says, goes further to alleviate the animal suffering, due to their laws mandating compassion for the animal kingdom.

The Canadian record is, to our shame, one of the worst in the western world.

In this regard it appears that those of the Muslim faith lead us by their example.

Animal welfare: Canadian record among worst

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 18/05/2012