Thursday 3 May 2012

Centre's roof needs work


Centre's roof needs work

GRAVENHURST - Costs for the expansion of Gravenhurst Centennial Centre are going to hit the roof, although at this point by how much is still unknown.

However, the committee is seeking sponsors in the hopes that the sign may be put in place this year. "The simplest thing (in original construction) would of been to say let's remove the existing roof (and build it as one piece). "For the most part the deficiencies are completed but there are items to be completed that aren't priced yet," said Wayne Rosberg of CShe original ice arena building attaches to the newly expanded portion with the aquatic facility, he added. It doesn't work; the old roof is difficult to tie in to. The entire centre expansion project, funded through stimulus grants was originally budgeted at approximately $18.

Bike racks are now on-site and will be installed shortly, while the committee is also looking for the right location for a trio of flagpoles funded through G8 grants that will bear the national, provincial and town flags. Mayor Paisley Donaldson, who is also a member of the centre's decision committee, said she had hopes to have clearer, if not final cost numbers for later in May or early June, although that may be delayed with the inclusion of the new costs.

To help curtail potential costs, the decision committee decided not to install some minor second-storey directional signage and costs for the electronic outdoor signage were removed from the 2012 budget. The plans are to add extra waterproofing in that section of roof and improve ice-melting capabilities there. 5 million and by the end 2011, was about $4.

A second issue still to be finalized in the phase one portion of the construction is the arena's melting pit for the ice resurfacing machine's cleanings.

In the phase two aquatic portion, there are minor issues with power to a scissor lift for equipment moving due to a blown seal, some final signage to get in place and the dehumidifier needs some balancing to meet certain standards. 5 million over budget.

Centre's roof needs work

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 03/05/2012