Saturday 10 March 2012

How to stay motivated while working from home


How to stay motivated while working from home

Here are some ideas from actual telecommuters who can tell you how to obtain the most out of working at home. Katz had worked for the niche scientific equipment business previously so they were comfortable with his ability to work unsupervised.

In the early 1990s, Katz was one of two million telecommuters. Companies like Cisco and Microsoft , and even the federal government all now support employees who work from home. If you work at home every day, every week or every month, Katz's tips for staying motivated can certainly help you stay productive.

Keep work and home separated Perrotta separates her work time from the time she spends on childcare, errands and chores. Save home tasks for lunch time, or before and after work, just like you would in the office. They distract you from your job, which means you wind up working longer and later. Frequent communication will keep unplanned disruptions to a minimum and help confirm that you are doing things as well, if not better, than you would in the office. for workdays when he is not traveling and makes sure to get dressed and ready before going downstairs. Whether you stick to a corporate schedule or make up your own, find something you can do before you begin. It can certainly help you can get going swiftly.

"My boss knows she can count on me to get my work done without supervision," says the New Jersey mother of two. Take care to put away work tools, change location and find a way to shift gears so you protect your time at home too.

Location A dedicated location with a door you can close is a must. Posture and positioning increase productivity, and while working on the couch may seem like fun, it ought to be the exception to your at home work day. to 5 p.

Structure time Track the time you spend on specific tasks and projects.

Communicate often Check in more often with bosses, customers and colleagues. 2 million, with many more freelancing or running home-based businesses.

How to stay motivated while working from home

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 10/03/2012