Tuesday 6 March 2012

Bed Bug Services in Spain Up 70% in Last Five Years


Bed Bug Services in Spain Up 70% in Last Five Years

Spain and Portugal have verified a 70% increase in requested bed bug control services during the past five years, meaning these countries are longer foreign to this emerging worldwide plague, eradicated from Spain half a century ago. Therefore, all parts involved must collaborate, such as premises managers, service companies and health authorities". According to this research, 80% of pest control companies have carried out services related to bedbug eradication. Bed bugs are night insects which feed solely on blood, preferably human; therefore they usually are located near their feeding source: man. Most of those services along these past 5 years have taken place in homes (35%), hotels, guest and boarding houses (30%), hostels (10%), catering trade (5%), followed by old people's homes, public transport, schools, nurseries, universities and leisure centers (bowling alleys, cinemas). 47% of Spanish clients do employ preventive methods after these treatments (mattress covers, etc), but in Portugal only 15% act accordingly.

Travel and Tourism, main cause of resurgence Bedbugs, present in most of the Spanish Autonomous Regions and especially in the most touristic ones, are caused due to an increase in travel and tourism, followed by contaminated luggage and merchandise transport, the absence of inspections, the denial of incidents and the lack of notifications as well as the resistance to biocides used to fight against this plague or the inadequate use of insecticides. The main cause for contracting these specialized services is infestation, which is when the plague is already present, followed by complaints and prevention, though 45% of customers don't contract routine check-ups after pest control procedures. Mattresses, bedside tables, bed bases, beds, wardrobes, sofas and chairs, even skirting boards or doors are a common hiding place of this plague that produces unpleasant stings and that has lately turned out to be a social issue worldwide.

Bed Bug Services in Spain Up 70% in Last Five Years

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 06/03/2012