Tuesday 6 March 2012

OneRoof Energy hiring 100 more in 2012 to keep up with demand


OneRoof Energy hiring 100 more in 2012 to keep up with demand

OneRoof Energy launched a unique access to the residential solar leasing market last year, when it began offering leased PV-systems to homeowners through roofers. Hopefully the number [of possible markets] will increase. " To support the expansion and future sales, the company is also creating a second fund. You're always trying to drive down your cost of capital. To do that it's always better to have multiple sources," Field said. "We're in California and Hawaii and soon to move into Arizona and Colorado and many East Coast markets," he said. The company is looking to expand into markets with the right regulations and electric rate structures. "Everyone seems to take the same approach," he said. "We're working with the same core investors but also talking to a few others. The majority of jobs will be in California. "But not exclusively. "They have core markets, and those are the ones we plan to move into. It's been simple to bring roofers on board, but the company is ensuring it can support them. That means its working on hiring new employees. At the same time it plans to expand into more states. The company established a $50 million fund with Black Coral Capital , a subsidiary of U. The company plans to hire on at least 100 more employees this year and 100 more next year, according to Field. S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), last fall to support leases. Apparently people have taken note. The company works with roofers, as opposed to electricians and other solar installers , to integrate solar into roofs. The systems can be installed as a retrofit, a brand new roof or a replacement roof, according to CEO David Field.

OneRoof Energy hiring 100 more in 2012 to keep up with demand

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 06/03/2012